Epic Show Openers
- 3 years ago
The Hogan Family (originally titled Valerie and later Valerie’s Family) is an American sitcom television series that began airing on NBC on March 1, 1986 and finished its run on CBS on July 20, 1991, for a total of six seasons. It was produced in...
- 3 years ago
Head of the Class is an American sitcom television series that ran from 1986 to 1991 on the ABC television network. The series follows a group of gifted students in the Individualized Honors Program (IHP) at the fictional Millard Fillmore High School in Manhattan, and...
- 3 years ago
In this sitcom based on Christine Houston’s play about the lives of black women residing in an apartment building in 1950s Chicago, Illinois. Marla Gibbs, who first shot to stardom for playing Florence Johnston, the sarcastic housekeeper to Louise and George Jefferson on The Jeffersons...
- 3 years ago
Steven and Elyse Keaton, once 1960s radicals, now find themselves in Reagan-era America trying to raise a traditional suburban family. Their three first kids are Alex (a very ambitious Young Republican), Mallory (a ditzy and boy-crazy fashionista), and Jennifer (whom we first get to know...
- 3 years ago
Mork & Mindy is beautifully bizarre. It features Robin Williams as alien, Mork from Ork. He’s on Earth to investigate human customs and report back to his superiors. Mork is played by Robin Williams. Again, just to be clear, Mork is played by Robin Williams...
- 3 years ago
Soap is an American sitcom television series that originally ran on ABC from September 13, 1977, until April 20, 1981. The show was created as a night-time parody of daytime soap operas, presented as a weekly half-hour prime-time comedy. Similar to a soap opera, the...
- 4 years ago
The Jeffersons is an American sitcom television series that was broadcast on CBS from January 18, 1975, to July 2, 1985, lasting 11 seasons and a total of 253 episodes. The Jeffersons is one of the longest-running sitcoms, the second-longest-running American series with a primarily...
- 4 years ago
The Ropers is an American sitcom television series that aired on ABC from March 13, 1979, to May 22, 1980. It is a spin-off of Three’s Company and loosely based on the British sitcom George and Mildred, which was itself a spin-off of Man About...
- 4 years ago
This show was cool before it’s time only because the show’s concept avoided storylines that turned the living situation into a novelty. As a promise to his late housekeeper to take care of her two boys, Mega rich widower Phillip Drummond (Conrad Bain) adopts two...
- 4 years ago
The best doctor’s appointment you’ll have is with Dr. John Becker (Ted Dansen), who runs a clinic in New York City. He makes house calls twice a day, seven days a week on RewindTV, so you can meet this curmudgeon at home. Not sure what...
- 4 years ago
Barney Miller is an American sitcom television series set in a New York City Police Department police station on East 6th St in Greenwich Village. The series was broadcast on ABC Network from January 23, 1975, to May 20, 1982. It was created by Danny...
- 4 years ago
Archie Bunker’s Place is an American television sitcom produced as a continuation of All in the Family. It aired on CBS from September 23, 1979, to April 4, 1983. While not as popular as its predecessor, the show maintained a large enough audience to last...
- 4 years ago
The Seaver family resides at 15 Robin Hood Lane in Huntington, Long Island, New York. Dr. Jason Seaver (portrayed by Alan Thicke), a psychiatrist, works from home because his wife, Maggie (Joanna Kerns), has gone back to work as a reporter. Jason has to take...
- 4 years ago
The Facts of Life is an American television sitcom created by Dick Clair and Jenna McMahon and a spin-off of Diff’rent Strokes that originally aired on NBC from August 24, 1979, to May 7, 1988, making it one of the longest-running sitcoms of the 1980s....
- 4 years ago
RewindTV can assuredly say, Wings will NOT loose your luggage. Brothers Brian (Steven Weber) and Joe Hackett (Tim Daly) take to the air four times a day, seven days a week on Rewind. The brothers run Sandpiper Air out of the small airport on Nantucket....
- 4 years ago
Sabrina Spellman (Melissa Joan Hart), a perfectly normal sixteen-year-old, is informed by her aunts, Hilda (Caroline Rhea) and Zelda (Beth Broderick), that she (and they, and her whole family on her father’s side) are witches. She lives with them in Massachusetts while preparing to receive...
- 4 years ago
WARNING: This show contains flirtation. Here’s the situation. Former major league baseball player Tony Micelli (Tony Danza) moves to the Connecticut household of tightly wound executive Angela Bower (Judith Light). Tony is Angela’s new housekeeper. Gettin’ the picture? So what happens? Watch episodes of Who’s...