The Max Headroom signal hijacking occurred on the night of November 22, 1987, when the television broadcasts of two stations in Chicago, Illinois, United States, were hijacked in an act of broadcast piracy by a video of an unidentified person wearing a Max Headroom mask and costume, accompanied by distorted audio and a corrugated metal panel...
Mork & Mindy is beautifully bizarre. It features Robin Williams as alien, Mork from Ork. He’s on Earth to investigate human customs and report back to his superiors. Mork is played by Robin Williams. Again, just to be clear, Mork is played by Robin Williams...
American Gladiators is an American competition television program that aired weekly in syndication from September 1989 to May 1996. The series matched a cast of amateur athletes against each other, as well as against the show’s own “gladiators”, in contests of strength and agility. The...
by Brian Galindo Honestly, you would probably still want to put these on your wish list! 1. Mall Madness Why you totally wanted this: The game looked interactive AF, and honestly, in the ’80s there was nothing cooler than a mall! 2. Sea Wees Why...
A friendship bracelet is a decorative bracelet given by one person to another as a symbol of friendship. Friendship bracelets are often handmade, usually of embroidery floss or thread and are a type of macrame. There are various styles and patterns, but most are based...
Who would spin this at school? The old school fidget spinner.
On this day in 1984, “The Terminator” directed by James Cameron, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton is released in the US.
Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick), the Chicago high schooler who played hooky and had the adventure of a lifetime, was everything that teens wanted to emulate in the 1980s. He was the perfect poster child for kids who wanted to misbehave without doing anything technically illegal....