While having the world at your fingertips in just seconds today is pretty cool, there was something a little bit fun about the anticipation that came with logging into AOL and singing along to its chorus of screeches as you waited for the homepage to...

Sure, you could play video games at home, but there was something special in the ’80s about hitting the arcade with a big roll of quarters in your pocket and challenging some friends to a friendly game of Rampage. The sound of an arcade packed...

Getting new back-to-school clothing was cool, but getting a new Trapper Keeper (like this one available on Amazon) made you feel like you were going to rule the school in the coming year. From the interior pencil pocket to the satisfying crunch of the Velcro...

Though most people don’t remember much of the first-ever televised MTV Video Music Awards in 1984, they’ll always remember Madonna writhing around the stage in a wedding gown while singing “Like a Virgin.” It wasn’t exactly groundbreaking stuff, but it was impossible to look away...

Did you own a pair of Wearing Ray-Ban Wayfarers?

by K. Gitter 1. Nirvana – “About A Girl” In 1993, Seattle grunge rock band Nirvana taped a legendary acoustic concert as part of the MTV Unplugged series. In recognition of their epic show, DoYouRemember looks back at the Most Unforgettable MTV Unplugged Performances of All...

Soap is an American sitcom television series that originally ran on ABC from September 13, 1977, until April 20, 1981. The show was created as a night-time parody of daytime soap operas, presented as a weekly half-hour prime-time comedy. Similar to a soap opera, the...

The Jeffersons is an American sitcom television series that was broadcast on CBS from January 18, 1975, to July 2, 1985, lasting 11 seasons and a total of 253 episodes. The Jeffersons is one of the longest-running sitcoms, the second-longest-running American series with a primarily...

The Ropers is an American sitcom television series that aired on ABC from March 13, 1979, to May 22, 1980. It is a spin-off of Three’s Company and loosely based on the British sitcom George and Mildred, which was itself a spin-off of Man About...

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