The Hogan Family
The Hogan Family (originally titled Valerie and later Valerie’s Family) is an American sitcom television series that began airing on NBC on March 1, 1986 and finished its run on CBS on July 20, 1991, for a total of six seasons. It was produced in association with Lorimar Productions (1986), Lorimar-Telepictures (1986–1988), and Lorimar Television (1988–1991). Originally starring Valerie Harper in the titular role as a mother trying to juggle her career with raising three sons with an absent airline pilot husband, Harper’s character was killed off in the series after its second season, when Harper was fired from the series following contractual disputes. The series was initially renamed Valerie’s Family before Sandy Duncan joined the cast as Valerie’s sister-in-law and the boys’ aunt, and the series was ultimately renamed The Hogan Family.